Jesus is my friend – new song

Recently I wrote another new song, the melody and the lyrics of the song are as follows:

Jesus is my friend

Jesus is my friend,
He is with you everywhere you go,
He listens to every cry,
Shares in all your laughter,
He provides for your need,
He loves you, cares for you,
He invites you into His world,
You never feel alone again.

He is knocking at your door,
If you open for him,
He will come in to you,
and sup with you.

Jesus is our friends,
He is always with us.
He is the vine,
We are the branches,
If we abide in him,
He will abide in us,
We will bear much fruit.
If we abide in him.

Jesus is my friend-mp3

Thank the Lord, glory to Him.


Headaches healed after prayer

A sister told me that another sister had a very severe headache with dizziness, vomiting and tinnitus. It had been a while, and she didn’t have a family doctor. She asked me to pray for her. I prayed for her often. Nine days later, she told her that she had no more headache the previous day. Thank the Lord for his healing, glory to the Lord. 🙏😊

High blood pressure and lower back healed after prayer

A sister told me that a customer in her store is an elderly person. She went to her store and talked with her. She said that her blood pressure had been very high since the previous Tuesday, and the high blood pressure had reached almost 200. Maybe the heart felt uncomfortable either.  She asked me to pray for her high blood pressure and the heart. She is a Catholic. I prayed for her often, and she went to the hospital to see a doctor exactly one month later and learned that her blood pressure was normal. She was very happy, thank the Lord, glory to the Lord.

That sister working in her store told me that her lower back was uncomfortable from time to time and asked me to pray for her. I often prayed for her. Also exaclty one month later, she told me that her lower back was much better. Thank the Lord. 🙏😊


Wait upon the Lord – new song

Recently I wrote another new song, the melody and the lyrics of the song are as follows:

Wait upon the Lord,
He’ll renew your strength,
Blessed are those who wait for him,
He will give you rest.

He gives strength to the weary,
Increases the power of the weak,
Even youths grow tired and weary,
Young men stumble and fall.

But those wait upon the Lord,
Will soar on wings like eagles,
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk, not faint.



Wait upon the Lord -mp3

Thank the Lord, glory to Him.

The Lord led me to write this song called “wait upon the Lord”. After I completed writing the song, I received an email from a brother. He quoted a verse at beginning of his sharing. The verse is about “wait upon the Lord”. Thank the Lord.

Trust in the Lord – new song

Recently I wrote another new song, the melody and the lyrics of the song are as follows:

Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
Lean not on your own understanding,
in all your ways submit to him,
He will make your paths straight.

I trust in you alone,
I trust in you alone,
I will pray and keep on praying,
I trust in you alone.

My(Our) soul waits for the LORD,
He is My(our) help, My(our) shield,
For My(our) heart is glad in him,
because I(we) trust in him.

I want to trust you more,
I want to trust you more,
I will seek you until find you,
I want to trust you more.

Trust in the Lord -mp3

Thank the Lord, glory to Him.

Delight yourself in the LORD – new song

Recently I wrote another new song, the melody and the lyrics of the song are as follows:

Delight yourself in the LORD,
He will give you the desires of your heart,
Delight in his presence, sit at his feet,
Wait before him, he will give you rest.

Hallelu Hallelu Hallelujah,
Hallelu Hallelu Hallelujah.

If you abide in him,
His words abide in you,
Ask whatever you desire,
It shall be done for you.

Delight yourself in the LORD -mp3

Thank the Lord, glory to Him.

God so loved the world- new song

Recently I wrote another new song, the melody and the lyrics of the song are as follows:

God so loved the world,
He gave his only Son,
Whoever believes in him,
S­­hall have eternal life.

Hallelujah, Hallelujah,
Hallelujah, Hallelujah,
Hallelujah, Hallelujah.

His love is everlasting,
His mercies never end,
They are new every morning,
Great is His faithfulness.

God’s love -mp3

Thank the Lord, glory to Him.

I love you Lord – new song

Recently I wrote another new song, the melody and the lyrics of the song are as follows:

I love you Lord, love you Lord,
I want to love you more and more,
I seek you Lord, seek you Lord,
I want to know you more and more,
I praise you Lord, praise you Lord,
I want to praise you more and more,
I thank you Lord, thank you Lord,
I want to thank you more and more.

I love you Lord -mp3

Thank the Lord, glory to Him.

I want to love you more – new song

Recently I wrote another new song, the melody and the lyrics of the song are as follows:

I love you Lord, I want to love you more,
I seek you Lord, I want to know you more,
I praise you Lord, I want to praise you more,
I thank you Lord, I want to thank you more.

You are my everything,
You are my everything,
You are my all in all,
I want to love you more.

I want to love you more -mp3

Thank the Lord, glory to Him.

Thy word is a lamp unto my feet – new song

Recently I wrote another new song, the melody and the lyrics of the song are as follows:

Blessed is the man who listens to the Lord,
Daily waiting at His door,
Blessed is the man who delights in his word,
and meditates day and night.

Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path,
Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.

When I can’t see the way,
Don’t know where my feet to land,
Your lamp guides my steps,
Lead me in the path of life.

Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet -mp3

Thank the Lord, glory to Him.

Dream about our senior pastor who already passed away

In 2019, I had a dream, in the dream our senior pastor who already passed away showed me writing notes for Bible verse, writing note, more note. Next picture in the dream was that young coworkers are serving the Lord, reminding me that I should server the Lord. A few days later in the church our pastor was talking with a few of us, he also shared about notes, he mentioned about someone’s notes on bible verse.

I wrote notes for Bible verses before, sometimes didn’t know what to write, Thank the Lord for his leading and help, now I write more notes for Bible verses, you can go to message page to see the messages I wrote at

Hebrew 12:1 Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us,
Here it talks about cloud of witness surrounding us, I head messages revealed from Lord Jesus that saints in heaven pray for us, sometimes the Lord allows them to appear in our dreams, that is what I experienced.

Seek the Lord while he may be found – song

Recently I wrote another new song, the melody and the lyrics of the song are as follows:

Seek the Lord while he may be found,
Call upon him while he is near,
Seek His face always,
Seek him until you find him.

Come to him, all weary and burdened,
Take on his yoke and learn from him,
for he is gentle and humble in heart,
You will find rest for your souls.

Seek the Lord while he may be found-mp3

Thank the Lord, glory to Him.