About Jehovah’s Witnesses

I had interact with Jehovah’s Witnesses before. What they believe is fundamentally different from what we believe. They think that heaven is full, they won’t go to heaven, they will live on earth forever. They quoted from the book of Revelation:
Then I heard the number of those who were sealed: 144,000 from all the tribes of Israel. (Revelation 7:4)
They said that the total number of people in heaven is 144,000, which is full, and they will not go to heaven. In fact,  here 144,000 refers to the number of Israelis sealed, not the total number of people in heaven.

Let’s look at the following verses:
After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb. They were wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands. (Revelation 7:9)
Here we see that there is a great multitude from every nation, tribe, people and language, no one can count them. They all go to heaven.

Jehovah’s Witnesses also do not believe that humans have spirits, this is not biblical either.

They also don’t believe in Trinity. The Bible talks about Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. They don’t believe that Jesus is God, and they don’t believe that Holy Spirit is one person of the Trinity. They believe that Holy Spirit is an active force. This is not biblical either.

One night I dreamed about talking to a person about Jehovah’s Witnesses, so I wrote it down. thank the Lord.

Draw Near to God – song

Recently I wrote another new song, the melody and the lyrics of the song are as follows:

Ask and keep on asking you should receive,
Seek and keep on seeking you should find,
Knock and keep on knocking the door will be open to you.

Draw near to God, He will draw to you,
Draw near to God, He will draw to you,
Draw near to God, He will draw to you.

Draw near to God -mp3

Thank the Lord, glory to Him.

Give thanks to the Lord – new song

Recently I wrote another new song, the melody and the lyrics of the song are as follows:

Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good,
His love endures forever,
Let’s praise Him with our song,

Thank for His love, thank for His grace,
Thank for His mercy, for His blessings.

Sing a new song to the Lord, for He is amazing,
He gives grace to the humble,
He makes the weak strong.

Give thanks to the Lord -mp3

Thank the Lord, glory to Him.

The Lord is my shepherd – new song

Recently I wrote a new song, the melody and the lyrics of the song are as follows:

The LORD is my shepherd, I’ll not want,
He makes me lie down in green pastures,
He leads me beside quiet waters,
His goodness restores my soul.

He guides me in the paths of righteousness,
He anoints my head with oil,
And my cup overflows with joy,
His lovingkindness will lead me home.

The Lord is my shepherd -mp3

Thank the Lord, glory to Him.

Wait upon the Lord

A few days ago I replied to an email about waiting upon the Lord, and I quoted the following verses:
But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.  (Isaiah 40:31).
Later I went to WeChat and read a post from a brother talking about the same thing waiting upon God.
Another brother asked what it means to wait upon God.
Wait upon God is to be still before God. Be still, quiet before the Lord in the morning and get strength from him. Be still before the Lord in the evening and find rest in him.
Be still, and know that I am God (Psalm 46:10)

Regarding being still before God and praying, drawing near to God, you can read the book “A simple method of prayer” written by Mrs. Guyon. I put it on this gospel website. It is pdf version and can be downloaded.

PDF book: A short and easy method of prayer

Lower back pain healed after prayer

Recently on a Friday morning, when the pastor of our church got up in the morning, he found that he got bad lower back pain, He could not stand or sit, he could only lie down, he had to ask another pastor to preach in the church the next day. After he told us, I prayed for him every day, the following Sunday, we had online church meeting and he told us that his lower back pain was totally gone. He said that it was gone on Wednesday, i.e. the lower back pain was completely healed within a few days. Thank the Lord and glory to Him. 🙏😊

Sing to the Lord a new song

I got the melody of the song many years ago, then I wrote the lyrics and left it aside. Not long ago, I had a dream, in the dream a brother I knew many years ago came to visit us, he played the songs he wrote, then I told him I also wrote a song and I sang the song to him, I remembered the lyrics in my dream, then we walked and talked, then I heard the song written by our pastor which is the only song he wrote, then the brother told me about another brothers whom I also knew, he wrote many songs. When I woke up the next day, I thought maybe the Lord also wanted me to write songs, later the Lord confirms that. So I edited the melody and the lyrics. They are as follows:

Sing to the Lord a new song, all you righteous ones
Praise the Lord with the harp, make music to Him on the lyre
Sing joyfully to Him, play skillfully and shout for joy.
Enter His gates with thanksgiving, and His courts with praise.
For he is worthy of our worship and he is worthy of our praise

Sing to the Lord a new song -mp3

Thank the Lord, glory to Him.

Trust in Lord always

I have listened to the messages Lord Jesus revealed to a sister for a long time. Lord Jesus revealed to her several times that we should pray for President Trump. The Bible also says that we should pray for those who are in authority. Lord Jesus also talked about the fake news about President Trump in the media.

The Lord also asked us to pray for Trump’s safety several times. Many times someone tried to assassinate Trump, and the Lord saved him.

Before the 2018 midterm election in the United States, Lord Jesus asked us to pray for Trump and the election. As a result, Trump won.

Later Lord Jesus revealed to the sister to pray for Trump. Don’t watch the news. The Lord said that the mainstream media is full of fake news about Trump, which is the mouth of Satan. sow lies and poison into people thinking. Make people give up on this country and hand it over to the shadow government so they can finish what they started and completely destroy America. To become just another satellite nation of the new world order, stripped of all Christianity on the way to becoming a Muslim nation.”

Now we see more the impact of mainstream media on people.

Before this general election, the Lord asked us to keep praying for Trump and see what he will do.

Now the media says that Biden has won. Some time ago, I listened to the messages from the Lord and the Lord said that Trump is going to be voted into office again, but civil unrest and rioting could arise in US.  The length and intensity of the prayers will make all the difference in intensity, any fast offering will increase the power of the prayers. the Lord asks us to pray against voter fraud, pray for president’s safety, and pray for the eyes of Americans to be opened to the true condition of their government and all the good the president has done.

Looking back, when we trust in the Lord and pray, we see what the Lord does. The Lord makes Trump win every time and save his life. We continue to pray that may the Lord’s will be done.

The Lord also says the following:
Tell your younger ones, “You are being played by a ruthless shadow government that wants to destroy your life and even rid you from the planet.”

Tell them to research Hillary Clinton’s history with Satanism, torturing of children, and eating their flesh. It sounds unbelievable doesn’t it? But it is real.
I did a little bit of search on Google and found that Hillary Clinton really was related with Satanism.

The Lord also mentioned that abortion is killing an innocent child in the womb, it is wrong.
We know that Biden supports abortion, Christians must not support this.

Sharing messages experiences Lord’s encouragement

Last Saturday I shared: “Command the disciples to preach the gospel to the whole world Mark 16:14-20”, I quoted the following verse:
I am going to send you what my Father has promised; but stay in the city until you have been clothed with power from on high.” (Luke 24:49)
Here we see that after the resurrection, Lord Jesus told the disciples to stay in the city before going out to preach the gospel, waiting for the Holy Spirit promised by the Father. When they received the Holy Spirit, they would receive the power from on high. We see that the early church had great power,  it was normal to see miracles, healing the sick and casting out demons.
Last Saturday, we had church meeting, pastor mentioned the following verse in his sermon:
But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. (Acts 1:8)
It talks about the same thing, that is, the disciples received the power from on high after receiving the Holy Spirit.
The pastor also talked about a couple who shared the gospel on the street during the pandemic. They wore T-shirts with following scripture written on them: Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. This is exactly the same verse I shared last Tuesday. Yesterday evening I sang hymns with guitar to worship the Lord. I saw the same verse in the songbook: Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Thank the Lord for his encouragement.

A few days ago I updated this gospel website for three topics, two of which are: draw near to God, God will draw near to you (James 4:8) and born again, talking about when a person believes and is baptized, he will receive the Holy Spirt, he becomes a new person. Right after I finished the update, I went to WeChat and found two posts from a brother talking about the same thing, namely draw near to God (James 4:8) and new life, new person. thank the Lord.

A list of songs

Psalm 23, The Lord is my Shepherd.
Blessed be the Lord God Almighty – Maranatha Singers [With Lyrics]
In Christ Alone my hope is found song Lyrics
I Know Who Holds Tomorrow – By Alison Krauss & The Cox Family
10,000 Reasons Matt Redman

The LORD Bless Thee (Maranatha!)