Experience the Lord’s leading in choosing songs

Not long ago, I was thinking to post a song on WeChat called “The Lord is my strength”.  It is interesting that the wife of the pastor in our church also chose the same song “The Lord is my strength” during song worship. When I chose the song, I didn’t know that she chose the same song. thank the Lord.

Later, a sister in China asked me to send her the song “The Lord is my strength”. She used to live in Montreal and attended our church, her family now works in China. I also sent her another two songs, one called “I look up to the mountains”, this song also mentioned that the Lord is my help; the other song called “Blessed is he that is trusting the Lord”.

While I was brushing my teeth the next morning, my wife told me that a brother posted a message about the Lord is my strength and help, which is exactly the same message I sent with songs to that sister, that is, the Lord is my strength and help, thank the Lord!

A couple of weeks later, during Sunday worship Pastor’s wife chose the song “Blessed is he that is trusting the Lord”.  She did not know that I posted this song on WeChat a few days earlier. Thank the Lord! 😄🙏

See the love of God

One day I took a day off from work and stayed at home, it was cold outside but sunny. I didn’t  turn on the heating at home, because of the warm sunshine. I would like to find a song to share on WeChat, then I came across this song — “See the love of God”. The first sentence of the lyrics is: I see the love of God in the warm sunshine. It is interesting, it is sunny outside, I found the song about seeing the love of God in warm sunshine.  Thank God. 😄💝

May the Lord’s love be with you

There is a chat group in WeChat, group members consist of some brothers and sisters in our church and some brothers, sisters and friends who used to attend our church and now work in different places. A few days ago I would like to post a song in the group called “May the Lord’s love be with you”.  we used to sing the song  “May the Lord’s love be with you” in the church, when we said farewell to brothers and sisters in the church.  Now we still sing occasionally when we don’t say farewell to someone. That day when I  was thinking to post it, the Lord reminds me the picture  on the right side with water  running  down  forming love “shape”.  Interestingly the lyrics of the song also talked about Lord’s love like water running down, and the picture on the right hand side was downloaded some time ago. Thank the Lord for His encouragement. 😄💝

God is love

Not long ago, I would like to post a song on WeChat, and I would like to choose a song about God’s love. The songs I choose recently come from a list of songs of a WeChat official account.  That day as soon as I opened the songs list, the second song in the list is “Jehovah is Love”. I would like to choose a song about God’s love, and I found the  song right away.  thank the Lord.
God’s love wants everyone to repent and turn to Him. After a person believes and is baptized, the Lord’s presence is with the person, and the life with the Lord’s presence is an abundant life.  After the person is baptized, he or she needs to continue drawing near to God, so that God will draw near to him or her. Lord Jesus said:  The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. (John 10:10), Here the thief refers to Satan, and Lord Jesus came to destroy the work of  Satan.

Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord

Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. in all your ways submit to him,  and he will make your paths straight. 

Here it says that in all your ways submit to Him, that is to trust the Lord in everything,  trust the Lord everyday. Every day, We need to seek His face, seek His presence, be together with Him,  ask for His leading, and ask for His help, not reline on our own,  not do things on our own,  not rely on our own wisdom,  if we rely on our own, we will waste time and not be productive.

I also use social media to share the gospel,  for that social media, I did posting twice a week,  I post some songs, hymns, testimony, messages, videos, etc. Not long ago, I was thinking to post a song on God’s love, recently I chose songs from that social media’s Hymns account, there is a list of good songs, that day I opened the list, the second song is “Jehovah is love” in Chinese, the list is updated every day.  So  it is interesting, I would like to share a song on God’s love,  then when I opened the song list, the second song is “Jehovah is love”.  When I post something in that social media, I seek the Lord’s leading. When we rely on the Lord, He will help us.

When we put the Lord first, put His work first, then commit to Him the things we need to do daily, He will help us.  Last week I needed to solve a computer problem,  I spent some time working on it, but could not solve the problem.  Yesterday, I asked the Lord for help and I found the solution very fast. Thanks the Lord for His help.

One thing needed

The Lord always knows what is best for us. We just sit at His feet, listen to His words, communicate with Him daily, and He can make our path flourish.

But we are often busy in a bunch of trivia, such as sending children to school, attending a business meeting, making a sales plan, and so on. The same is true in the church. There are many things to deal with – to help the poor, to find the lost, and to heal the sick. But do you know? This kind of trivial matter will be looked after by the Lord, as long as we put Him first, sit at the feet of Jesus and listen to His teachings.

How did Jesus respond to Mathar’s complaint that her sister only knew to sit at His feet and not help her to serve the Lord? “Martha, Martha, you are bothered by many things. But there is only one thing is needed, Mary has chosen the good part, it will not be taken away from her.” (Luke 10:41-42)

However, many of us are like Martha. We are worried about many things. We are too busy to sit at the feet of Jesus, communicate with Him, and listen to His teachings. When we don’t rely on Him, we can only rely on our own strength and wisdom to solve problems. But your plan can never be better than God’s plan.

My dear friends, when you make a decision, do you want God’s wisdom and plans to get involved? Then, like Mary, choose the good part, spend time with Jesus,  draw near to Him, seek His presence, listen to Him. You will find that the Lord will take care of  your problems, teaching you and guiding you to the path of righteousness.

When is a person born again

Acts 2:38 38 Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.

Here we see that when a person repents and be baptized, the person will receive the Holy Spirit. When a person receives the Holy Spirit, he or she is born again.  This is general case.

There is a special case when Peter preached the gospel the first time to the Gentile (Acts 10), to the Cornelius household. People received the Holy Spirit first before baptism, when the Gentile received the Holy Spirit, people realized that Gospel is not just for the Jews, but also for the Gentiles, then they baptized them.

Another special case is in Acts 19:2, Paul asked them “Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed”, they said no. They only received John’s baptism of repentance, they didn’t receive the Holy Spirit, later they were baptized in the name of Jesus to receive the Holy Spirit. This is the case of receiving the Holy Spirit after the baptism.

So in general a person receives the Holy Spirit at baptism, but there are special cases.

Importance of prayer

John 2:1-11 Jesus Changes Water Into Wine
1 On the third day a wedding took place at Cana in Galilee. Jesus’ mother was there, 2 and Jesus and his disciples had also been invited to the wedding. 3 When the wine was gone, Jesus’ mother said to him, “They have no more wine.”4 “Woman,[a] why do you involve me?” Jesus replied. “My hour has not yet come.”5 His mother said to the servants, “Do whatever he tells you.”6 Nearby stood six stone water jars, the kind used by the Jews for ceremonial washing, each holding from twenty to thirty gallons.[b]7 Jesus said to the servants, “Fill the jars with water”; so they filled them to the brim. 8 Then he told them, “Now draw some out and take it to the master of the banquet.” They did so, 9 and the master of the banquet tasted the water that had been turned into wine. He did not realize where it had come from, though the servants who had drawn the water knew. Then he called the bridegroom aside 10 and said, “Everyone brings out the choice wine first and then the cheaper wine after the guests have had too much to drink; but you have saved the best till now.” 11 What Jesus did here in Cana of Galilee was the first of the signs through which he revealed his glory; and his disciples believed in him.

Here we see that Lord Jesus performed His first miracle by changing water to wine. Lord Jesus was not intended to perform the miracle, but He did it because Mary requested it. If Mary didn’t request it He won’t do  the miracle. Here we see the importance of prayer.

The experience of spirit leaving the body

I used to read a book, the book is about a Christian in China. One day when he was working at home, accidentally he touched electricity and his spirit left his body. His spirit flew out of the roof. He called to the Lord “Lord save me”. Then his spirit flew back to his body.
Later, because of his belief, he was arrested and put into the labor camp. One day he was sick, but he had to go to work. He used the bulldozer to pour the soil to the cliff. Because he was sick, he accidentally fell down to the cliff with his bulldozer. His spirit left his body again. His spirit saw some people gathering around his body. Because he fell on a soft place, his spirit returned to his body, he did not die.

Chase the evil spirit away

I used to read a book about an old couple who believed in Japanese Buddhism. They got some benefits because they believed Japanese Buddhism.  But there was a problem that the evil spirit came to them when they were sleeping at night. Later they met a Christian and told the Christian about it, the Christian told them that when evil spirit comes again, they can chase the evil spirit away in the Jesus’s name. Later, they really chase the evil spirit in Jesus’s name when the evil spirit came again.  Two pastors in our church had experience with casting out the evil spirit.

Practicing Qigong

A couple came to our church. Because they moved, they didn’t continue coming to our church. Later, the wife went to practice Qigong, and the evil spirit possessed her.  They asked the preacher in our church to cast out the evil spirit, the evil spirit was cast out but came back again. Later the preacher told her to commit her life to the Lord in baptism. After she was baptized, she received the Holy Spirit and the evil spirit never came back again. Her husband was baptized at the same time. I knew her husband many years ago.

Life is fragile

Many years ago I went to our sister church in Vancouver. There is a sister in the Vancouver church, she is a very good sister, she had a good service in the church, she is from Hong Kong. One day she was on the phone, and she just fell down and passed away. She was only in her thirties and there was no sickness. Life is really fragile, we can’t guarantee we are still alive tomorrow.

In 2018 one of the pastors in our Toronto church had nasopharyngeal cancer, and later he went for chemotherapy. The church constantly prayed for him, and in 2019 he went to see the doctor to have a checkup and found that the cancer was healed. What the doctor found was only a scar tissue in his body. From time to time he came from Toronto to preach in our Montreal church. Thank God for hearing our prayer. One Canadian MP (the member of the parliament) had the same cancer, and he passed away some time ago.

In the part one month, I learned that three people related to our office or relative of our staff member passed away. I hope non-Christian will believe in the Lord soon, because our life is not in our hands, but it is in God’s hands.

The Lord Jesus said in the Bible that he came to give life to the sheep, to give them abundant life. When a person believes in the Lord and is baptized. He will receive the Holy Spirit and have the presence of the Lord, that is the beginning of an abundant life.

Soon after I wrote the testimony above, I came across a message on WeChat. This message also mentioned that after a person believes and is baptized, the Lord will give him living water, that is abundant life. 😊🙏