The Lord helps my work

My work is not so busy, so sometimes I used the time to share the gospel on Wechat. I also commit the computer work to the Lord, ask for His help.
One time one of colleagues asked me to solve a computer problem, after I solved the problem; I was thinking to go to his office to tell him. I went out and met him in front of my office. This kind of things happened from time to time, Thank the Lord for His help.

God is kind to the poor

I share a testimony here. One day during the lunch break, I took a walk  indoor. I passed by a door, saw a beggar, he opened the door to let people pass, and asked for money. I found this beggar a bit different, he opened the door for people to pass. I had a feeling I should give him one dollar. Later another day when I passed by, I gave him two dollars. then another day, I was thinking to give him seven dollars.

Before I gave him seven dollars, I prepared the coins. I have one two dollars coin and three one dollar coins, that is five dollars, for the rest two dollars, I started adding with five cents first, after all the five cents were added,  then I started adding dimes (ten cents), then added quarters (25 cents), I had four quarters, and then I counted again and found that I got five cents more, that is, seven dollars became seven dollars five cents.

I put aside five cents coin, I also put aside five dollars bigger coins, and counted it again, it was still seven dollars 5 cents, and then counted it again, this time it became seven dollars. I continued counting, it became seven dollars and ten cents, then again became seven dollars, later became seven dollars 15 cents, then became seven dollars again, then I mixed all coins together,  counted a few times, it was still seven dollars.

I think this is the surprise the Lord gave me. I gave the beggar seven dollars and the Lord gave me a surprise. Thank the Lord for the surprise to encourage me.

Then another day I decided to give the beggar 70 dollars, and I went to the bank to withdraw 70 dollars. After I got the money and went down the escalator, I saw that beggar passing by, and I gave him 70 dollars. He wasn’t at the door, he might want to go home,  I saw him passing by and I gave him the money 70 dollars.

There was also another surprise,  that day or another day, my wife went to the bank to withdraws money, she usually withdraw more money and gave me some,  that day she gave me 80 dollars. It happened that the total amount of money I gave the beggar was 80 dollars. I joked with my wife that I gave out 80 dollars and got 80 dollars back . Thank the Lord. He gave me another little surprise. 😊🙏

Message from this, there is miracle for  small coins, there is no miracle for bigger coins.  Poor will experience Lord’s provision, the Lord moved my heart to give to the poor. Small and humble will experience the Lord, the Lord gives grace to the little, to the humble.

Proverbs 19:17 Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will reward them for what they have done.

Luke 6:20 Looking at his disciples, he said: “Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God.

God is kind, merciful to the poor, including beggars. I gave money to a beggar, and God gave me little miracle to encourage me. Thank God for the surprise.

Matthew 5:3 “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are the poor in spirit, blessed are the humble, blessed are the little, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

My English exam

In my working place, I need to take an English exam. I prepared for the exam, I did the sample test. I found it quite difficult.  I didn’t know whether I can pass. If I cannot pass, I have to prepare and take the test again. I trust that the Lord will let me pass so that I can spend time to pray and share the gospel. When I got the result, it was a surprise to me. The passing mark for both written and oral test are 65%. I got 67.5% for the written test, more than 80% for oral part. Thank the Lord; I don’t need to take it again.

About Trinity

After I attended the church for some time, I found it difficult to believe that Jesus is God. One day I was walking on McGill campus (next to our church), someone passed me a gospel track. I read it and found the verse:
Isaiah 9:6 For to us a child is born to us a son is given and the government will be on his shoulders, and he will be called  Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
Then I believe that Jesus is God, He is God manifests in the flesh.

Last Sunday. I talked with a pastor in our church concerning trinity, then I went back home with my wife by walk. We continued talking about trinity, I also talked about the experience I had at McGill campus, interestingly, we were walking on the McGill camp at that moment, the place the sister used to pass me the gospel track is very close to us, only a few meters away. Thank the Lord for the experience in the past and also in the present.


Experience the Lord’s leading in choosing songs

Not long ago, I was thinking to post a song on WeChat called “The Lord is my strength”.  It is interesting that the wife of the pastor in our church also chose the same song “The Lord is my strength” during song worship. When I chose the song, I didn’t know that she chose the same song. thank the Lord.

Later, a sister in China asked me to send her the song “The Lord is my strength”. She used to live in Montreal and attended our church, her family now works in China. I also sent her another two songs, one called “I look up to the mountains”, this song also mentioned that the Lord is my help; the other song called “Blessed is he that is trusting the Lord”.

While I was brushing my teeth the next morning, my wife told me that a brother posted a message about the Lord is my strength and help, which is exactly the same message I sent with songs to that sister, that is, the Lord is my strength and help, thank the Lord!

A couple of weeks later, during Sunday worship Pastor’s wife chose the song “Blessed is he that is trusting the Lord”.  She did not know that I posted this song on WeChat a few days earlier. Thank the Lord! 😄🙏

See the love of God

One day I took a day off from work and stayed at home, it was cold outside but sunny. I didn’t  turn on the heating at home, because of the warm sunshine. I would like to find a song to share on WeChat, then I came across this song — “See the love of God”. The first sentence of the lyrics is: I see the love of God in the warm sunshine. It is interesting, it is sunny outside, I found the song about seeing the love of God in warm sunshine.  Thank God. 😄💝

May the Lord’s love be with you

There is a chat group in WeChat, group members consist of some brothers and sisters in our church and some brothers, sisters and friends who used to attend our church and now work in different places. A few days ago I would like to post a song in the group called “May the Lord’s love be with you”.  we used to sing the song  “May the Lord’s love be with you” in the church, when we said farewell to brothers and sisters in the church.  Now we still sing occasionally when we don’t say farewell to someone. That day when I  was thinking to post it, the Lord reminds me the picture  on the right side with water  running  down  forming love “shape”.  Interestingly the lyrics of the song also talked about Lord’s love like water running down, and the picture on the right hand side was downloaded some time ago. Thank the Lord for His encouragement. 😄💝

God is love

Not long ago, I would like to post a song on WeChat, and I would like to choose a song about God’s love. The songs I choose recently come from a list of songs of a WeChat official account.  That day as soon as I opened the songs list, the second song in the list is “Jehovah is Love”. I would like to choose a song about God’s love, and I found the  song right away.  thank the Lord.
God’s love wants everyone to repent and turn to Him. After a person believes and is baptized, the Lord’s presence is with the person, and the life with the Lord’s presence is an abundant life.  After the person is baptized, he or she needs to continue drawing near to God, so that God will draw near to him or her. Lord Jesus said:  The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. (John 10:10), Here the thief refers to Satan, and Lord Jesus came to destroy the work of  Satan.

The experience of spirit leaving the body

I used to read a book, the book is about a Christian in China. One day when he was working at home, accidentally he touched electricity and his spirit left his body. His spirit flew out of the roof. He called to the Lord “Lord save me”. Then his spirit flew back to his body.
Later, because of his belief, he was arrested and put into the labor camp. One day he was sick, but he had to go to work. He used the bulldozer to pour the soil to the cliff. Because he was sick, he accidentally fell down to the cliff with his bulldozer. His spirit left his body again. His spirit saw some people gathering around his body. Because he fell on a soft place, his spirit returned to his body, he did not die.

Life is fragile

Many years ago I went to our sister church in Vancouver. There is a sister in the Vancouver church, she is a very good sister, she had a good service in the church, she is from Hong Kong. One day she was on the phone, and she just fell down and passed away. She was only in her thirties and there was no sickness. Life is really fragile, we can’t guarantee we are still alive tomorrow.

In 2018 one of the pastors in our Toronto church had nasopharyngeal cancer, and later he went for chemotherapy. The church constantly prayed for him, and in 2019 he went to see the doctor to have a checkup and found that the cancer was healed. What the doctor found was only a scar tissue in his body. From time to time he came from Toronto to preach in our Montreal church. Thank God for hearing our prayer. One Canadian MP (the member of the parliament) had the same cancer, and he passed away some time ago.

In the part one month, I learned that three people related to our office or relative of our staff member passed away. I hope non-Christian will believe in the Lord soon, because our life is not in our hands, but it is in God’s hands.

The Lord Jesus said in the Bible that he came to give life to the sheep, to give them abundant life. When a person believes in the Lord and is baptized. He will receive the Holy Spirit and have the presence of the Lord, that is the beginning of an abundant life.

Soon after I wrote the testimony above, I came across a message on WeChat. This message also mentioned that after a person believes and is baptized, the Lord will give him living water, that is abundant life. 😊🙏

God listens to children’s prayers

A few years ago, the pastor and his family wanted to apply for immigration. To immigrate in our province, French is required. Our Pastor’s wife went to French school to learn French. Her French is not very good. One time she needed to take the French exam, her younger son prayed for her and he prayed that she would get 100 marks. Later she really got 100 marks. God listened to children’s prayers.

I shared the above testimony on WeChat. A few days later, I attended the Bible study in the Church. The pastor shared the same thing. He shared that God listens to children’s prayers. He prayed when he was 5 years old and God listened to his prayers. He also mentioned that his younger son used to pray when he was small and God listened to his prayers. Thank God.

The Bible says: Then people brought little children to Jesus for him to place his hands on them and pray for them. But the disciples rebuked them. 14 Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” (Matthew 19:13-14)

Prayer meeting sharing

One Sunday it was my turn to share during the prayer meeting. Before the sharing, pastor led a song.  Before he chose the song, I already opened the song book to the song he chose, I didn’t know he chose that song and there are many songs in that song book. Thanks the Lord.