ONLY Intense Prayer NOW…Will Keep Him (Trump) Alive

Word from Lord Jesus “I have told you in My Holy Word to pray for those in authority. Some of My Children are being obedient to this, but many of you are not. An event is coming soon to remove one I have placed in authority to bless you. This event will be very terrible and is not My Will. But My Will is not carried out when My People refuse to pray.”

The word continues, “If this event transpires, I will hold accountable those of you I have instructed to pray, if you have not obeyed.

“My Children, if you refuse to obey Me, there is little I can do to bless you. Do not run out to play and pursue your own interests, ignoring what I have asked you to do—and then expect answers of all the things you desire of Me.

“I desire obedient children. I bless obedience. I do not bless those who are disobedient.”

“Children, the enemy has waited for this time when you would not be on the city wall guarding those within. You are very close, so very close to losing everything.

“I am counting on you to change your focus mid-stream and plow into prayer to stop this from happening. None of the criminals he is bringing to justice will be brought to justice if you do not pray. They will all get away and continue their detestable practices, stealing and consuming children and handing this nation over to her enemies.”

(Word from a preacher) Trump is used to clean and purify the nation, as hard as he is, he has been prepared for this. Trump will be used to disciple US, then to restore US. He will be used to stop violence; he will be God’s mouth and hands for this nation.

US is  given four years of grace, we Christians must pray intensely for Trump, put our house in order, put our life in order, then we will have many good years to come. Otherwise if we fail,  great captivity, tribulation will come.