Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path

Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path (Psalm 119:105)
Thy word is the word of God, the words of the Bible. What does “God’s word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path” mean? When a person walks in the dark at night, one cannot see the path ahead, and you don’t know where to land your feet, the lamp in front of your feet will guide you step by step. The light on the path shows you the path ahead and the direction ahead. In the same way, the word of God is the lamp unto our feet, the light onto our path, guiding us along the path of life, the path of eternal life. God uses his words to teach us, instruct us, and guide us. We follow him step by step along this path of life. We hide the word of God in our hearts so that we will not offend him, far from him, but get closer to him.  We follow him closely on the path to heaven and heavenly home. We obey his words, do his will, seek him with all our heart, and experience his presence and receive his blessing. Thank and praise the Lord.
May God bless you and your family. 🙏😊