Watch and pray

Here it says that “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father”, that is to say,  no one knows when Lord Jesus will come again,  except the Father, even Lord Jesus himself doesn’t know. Some people used to say that Lord Jesus will come on certain day, month and year. We know that this is false, because it is contrary to  the Bible. Later the time also proved that it was indeed false.
What does watch and pray mean? Watch and pray means that we should be spiritually watchfulness and pray, draw near to God. When temptation comes, we can rely on God’s power to overcome the temptation and to overcome sin , because the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. We do not know when the Lord Jesus will come again, so we need to prepare ourselves. We should also read the Bible more, understand God’s will, do God’s will, and live a life that is pleasing to the Lord. The Lord assigns task to each person and gives different gifts to different people. We should use the gifts the Lord  gives us to serve Him. The Lord will come like a thief, it is unexpected, so we must prepare ourselves, watch and pray, and don’t fall into sleep.  When the thief comes, if we stay alert, we don’t suffer lost; if we fall into sleep,  we will suffer lost. To fall into sleep is to fall into sleep spiritually. To fall into sleep is at night, in the dark,  to be awake is in the day, in the light.